📢 For Christians That Want A Deeper Connection With God

Learn this Brand New 5-step Method to IGNITE your bible study

In the next 60 Minutes I'm going to share with you a new revolutionary Bible study approach that's empowering THOUSANDS of Christians from all over the world to deepen their connection with God.

This SIMPLE, yet transformative technique fosters spiritual growth, leading to a more profound, effective, and intimate relationship with Jesus.


This Method Is Transforming Lives


I don't know what I would have done without this training. I wish I went through it sooner because it has brought scripture to life for me. We used to watch a short video then answer questions for our bible studies which became mundane with no real impact. Now, by using the S.M.A.R.T method, our studies are filled with more in-depth discussions and hunger for more truth because we now understand the importance of learning the full context. I highly recommend it, not only for bible study leaders, or anyone in a teaching capacity, but for every individual because it will help you in your Christian life.


I have desired for some time to be able to study the bible to gain understanding. Learning the S.M.A.R.T. method has completely changed how I see, read, and understand the word. Learning what tools to use, how to use them, and the importance of life application has been a game changer! The knowledge gained is invaluable to my spiritual growth.


This training has truly opened my eyes on how to study the Word of God that results in an increase in my bible knowledge and more effective teaching for my students. I have been teaching for 40 years but learning the S.M.A.R.T. method has given me tools to really dig into and know God’s word which enable me to better share the Word of God with my students! I have begun to prepare my lessons using the S.M.A.R.T. method. My students are floored when I begin to talk about the context, culture and use cross-references. I am able to engage them more with the 10 questions of “reflect it.” I ask them to choose one of the questions and share with the class their reflections. Thank you for this course . . . Allen and staff gets an A+++


Learning the S.M.A.R.T. method was such a blessing for me. It was illuminating and took my Bible study to the next level. Through this systematic method, I learned how to thoroughly take advantage of the resources available to study God's word diligently. Before, I was overwhelmed by how to begin to study a passage on my own. With Allen Parr's training, I now feel empowered to study any passage in Scripture with the tools we were taught. Finally, Allen's coaching and guidance were invaluable to this process. He showed us how to apply this method of study and walked us through every step, so we understood. I highly recommend this course for those who want to learn how to go deeper with their Bible study!

Meet Your Instructor

Allen Parr

Allen Parr is a national speaker, YouTuber, author, ordained minister, husband, and father. He is the cofounder (with his wife, Jennifer) of Let's Equip, a nonprofit organization that equips Christians and Christian organizations with courses and curriculum to aid in biblical literacy and spiritual growth.

Allen is a proud graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary, where he earned his master of theology degree in 2004. He has served on staff at several churches in various positions, including worship pastor and pastor of Christian education. His popular YouTube channel, The BEAT (Biblical Encouragement And Truth) with Allen Parr, reaches millions of believers with encouragement to live out their true calling as Christians. He and Jennifer and their two children live in Texas.

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