Join Allen Parr, founder of The BEAT, for a 90-day LIVE discipleship program that will expedite your spiritual growth and equip you to live out your God-given purpose...

Discover how you can “Accelerate” your faith journey and grow more in 90 days than many Christians will in their entire LIFETIME...

(Keep reading to learn more!)

Are You Feeling STUCK In Your Spiritual Walk And Struggling To Grow In Your Faith?

When you DON’T have a clear plan in your walk with God AND don’t have someone personally discipling you…

You struggle to have a consistent devotional life.

You struggle to walk in your God-given purpose.

You struggle to defend your faith to those who question it.

You struggle to discern between true and false teaching because you don’t have a solid theological foundation.

Most importantly, you struggle to make disciples, which is the main thing every Christian should be doing.

Notice the common theme? STRUGGLING! If you’re someone who hasn’t been able to figure these things out on their own, I do NOT want you to be discouraged…

Imagine instead just 90 days from now being able to “Accelerate” your faith and start living a life where you can fully experience everything that God has for you!

Interested? Keep reading!

“Faith School”

Is The Perfect Place For You To Start If…

  • You've never been discipled before but have a hunger to grow spiritually and be more confident in what you believe and why you believe it.

  • You've been a Christian for a while but you’ve never really been taught basic theology or how to not be misled by false teachings.

  • You want to be fully equipped to share your faith with the outside world and be able to defend it.

  • You don’t have a spiritual mentor readily available to guide you in your faith journey and take time to disciple you.

  • You’re ready to finally discover and walk in your God-given purpose.

  • You want to overcome temptation and experience victory in all aspects of your Christian life.

  • You want to learn a proven system for how to make disciples and carry out the Great Commission.

  • You want to grow together with other believers in an engaged, supportive online community.

  • You’re ready to learn things in just 90 days that most Christians spend their whole lives not knowing.

Here’s EVERYTHING that’s included inside the

“Faith School” 90-Day Discipleship Program:

Once you join this truly life-changing discipleship program, you’ll be immediately enrolled in what we call our “4-C approach to discipleship.”

From our extensive research and experience, we have discovered what it truly takes to experience explosive spiritual growth in the life of a Christian.

Our 4-C Approach contains what we believe are the necessary building blocks to any spiritual growth program.

Many people try to approach spiritual growth with 1-2 of these and FAIL. However, after interacting with thousands of Christians over the past 25 years, I have discovered these four things are essential to truly “accelerate” your faith.



What’s lacking in many spiritual growth programs is the focus on the STUDENT discovering God’s truth for themselves.

It can be great to listen to other people like YouTubers, pastors and Bible teachers. But true growth comes when you, your Bible and the Holy Spirit sit down together and HE becomes your teacher. This is the first essential step towards seeing explosive spiritual growth and transformation!

We believe that God wants to speak directly TO you before He speaks to you THROUGH someone else

Our more than 150-page curriculum was ingeniously crafted to guide you, the student, to a deeper understanding in a multitude of areas essential to your spiritual growth.

This is the bread and butter of what makes this discipleship program stand out above others.

This curriculum is designed with a student-first mentality. We believe the Holy Spirit will open your eyes to abundant amounts of truth as you engage with God and the material.

The uniqueness of this program is that the first growth step will require you to take some time to assess yourself, complete the essential assignments, and prepare to embark on the spiritual journey of a lifetime!

Once you do that, you’re ready for step #2…



In step #1, you get the opportunity to use our curriculum to guide you in discovering the answers in areas of apologetics, theology, prayer, fasting, developing a devotional life, overcoming temptation, making disciples, discovering your purpose and many other critical aspects of your spiritual growth.

We recognize that you may not be fully confident in your own research alone after you complete the initial assignments…

This is where step #2 comes in.

You’ll be personally taught by a seasoned, experienced Bible teacher as you consume high-quality 4K pre-recorded videos inside of The Faith Accelerator online course that will go into even more depth than what’s inside the curriculum.

Each module includes a quiz to test your knowledge of what you learned in the curriculum as well as in the course. The module ends with a personal challenge from Allen Parr to apply what was taught in the module. Each assignment in each module builds on the previous one.



We understand that even after steps 1 and 2, you'll still have unanswered questions.

Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

You’ll have the opportunity to join me, Allen Parr, for 90-minute LIVE face-to-face Zoom calls twice a month, during which you’ll join other Christians across the world on this exciting discipleship journey.

So, each week as you dive into the videos in each module, take fun quizzes to test your progress, and complete our curriculum exercises designed to help guide you through this exciting and intense journey, I’ll PERSONALLY be right there alongside you!

These bi-weekly coaching calls are the perfect place for you to ask any questions you may have so I can help you break through any barriers and roadblocks that will naturally come along the way.

On every single coaching call, you can expect to get in-depth explanations of ALL the content in the curriculum and course so you don’t miss out on anything.

Plus, I will be answering any questions you may have about the course material or anything that we cover during the coaching sessions.

I want to be there in your corner to help celebrate your wins and also encourage you to push through and make it to the finish line.

This is another level of personal touch to ensure you “accelerate” your faith and grow in 90 days in ways many Christians never do in a lifetime.

Session #1: May 23, 2024

Devotional Life And Prayer

In this first session, we will develop a robust plan for your prayer and devotional life which is the foundation for everything else we will cover inside of Faith School.

Everything else we experience in this program, and in your spiritual life, builds on this essential step. We will discuss why it’s important, how to come up with a proven plan that works and how to be creative with your devotions so that they are vibrant, exciting and consistent rather than mundane, dry and boring.

We will go into depth on topics such as prayer and fasting as we focus our attention on establishing strong spiritual disciplines that will carry you through this program and beyond!

Session #2: June 6, 2024

Apologetics Introduction

In this second session, we will explore additional apologetic questions every Christian needs to be prepared to answer. Not only will I answer questions addressed inside the course, but we will devote additional time to exploring other popular apologetic questions not discussed in the course.

In addition, we'll talk about and practice how to respond to people who might ask tough questions that challenge our faith. We will explore how to respond when you find yourself in a variety of scenarios within a conversation.

This session is going to be packed full of invaluable information and practical skills that will equip any Christian to be a bold defender of the faith!

Week #2:

How to Develop a Solid Prayer Life

his second module is one of my favorites and will build on the foundation of developing a solid devotional life.

In this module we will discuss the importance of prayer, how to pray for yourself, how to pray for others, how to rebound from sin, why our prayers are unanswered, how to fast Biblically and so much more.

Session #3: June 20, 2024

Apologetics Application

One session just isn't enough for a topic as important as apologetics! When it comes to defending the faith, you MUST be prepared.

In this session we will focus specifically on apologetic strategy. We will discuss specific tactics we can use in conversation to "put a stone in someone's shoe." We will discuss the importance planting seeds.

We will also focus quite a bit on logical fallacies. There are many errors people make in their thinking. We need to be equipped to know how to recognize these in the heat of discussion and debate.

You'll leave this session with a confidence you've never had about what you believe, and you'll be ready to talk about it anytime, anywhere.

Session #4: July 2, 2024

Theology #1

Having a solid theological foundation will keep you from being misled by a growing number of false teachings that are permeating our church today.

This power-packed module in The Faith Accelerator course will walk you through 5 major branches of theology: Theology proper (Who is God?), Christology (Who is Jesus?), Pneumatology (Who is the Holy Spirit?), Soteriology (the study of salvation), and Eschatology (the study of the end times).

Then you'll come prepared to discuss these and ask questions to strengthen your theological foundation.

You’ll leave this module with a solid understanding of the core beliefs of the Christianity, which will protect you from a plethora of false teachings designed to derail your faith.

Week #4:

How to Understand Theology

Having a solid theological foundation will help protect you from a plethora of false teachings that are permeating our church today.

This power-packed module will walk you through a solid understanding of the 5 major branches of theology (Theology proper (Study of God), Christology (The Study of Christ), Pneumatology (The Study of the Holy Spirit), Trinitarianism (The Study of the Trinity), Soteriology (The Study of Salvation), and Eschatology (The Study of End Times).

You’ll leave this module with a solid understanding of the core beliefs of the Christian faith to protect you from a plethora of false teachings designed to derail your faith.

Session #5: July 18, 2024

Theology #2

With so much to cover relating to Theology, a second session is necessary. We will continue to explore the major branches of theology.

We will delve into more difficult theological concepts like the Trinity, hypostatic union, etc. After this session, you will have a firm grasp on the complexity of the Godhead as well as other theological concepts.

Having a solid theological foundation will protect you from false teaching. This session will provide a solid foundation in theology capping off our portion of the program that focuses specifically on what you must know.

Session #6: August 1, 2024

Spiritual Gifts & Purpose

With so much emphasis on knowledge, it's time to transition into the more practical aspect of the Faith School program. What better way to start than ensuring that you are locked in on God's exact purpose for your life.

In this session we will dive deep into understanding how God has wired us and called us for a unique purpose.

God has created you to live ON purpose and IN purpose — and He doesn't want His will to be hidden from you. We will focus on truly identifying your spiritual gifts and precisely how you can use and maximize these gifts to make a greater impact in the body of Christ.

We'll go deep on seven essential questions you have to ask yourself to answer the million-dollar question: What is God's purpose for your life?

Week #6:

How to Live the Christian Life

In the previous modules, we’ve focused quite a bit on what you need to know as a disciple of Christ.

This module is much more practical as we will shift our focus from what you need to know to what you need to do so you can practically live out the Christian life.

I will teach you exactly how to hear God’s voice, how to overcome temptation, how to share your faith, financial stewardship, how to find balance in your life and much more!

Session #7: August 15, 2024

Practical Christian Living

By this time in the program, we'll have discussed a lot of ideas and concepts about the Christian faith. But we as Christians aren't just called to understand ideas, we're called to live out the truth that we know in real, practical ways every single day.

This session will address much more practical aspects related to discipleship such as how to hear God's voice, the importance of spiritual community, overcoming temptation, establishing a rhythm of rest, giving, and sharing your faith.

This session is ESSENTIAL for any Christian who desires to practically live a life dedicated to discipleship.

Session #8: August 29, 2024

Making Disciples

The entire goal of Faith School is not for you to consume information, it's to equip you to take what you've learned and duplicate it in someone else.

We are giving you permission to take everything we are going to teach you and literally use it as your discipleship curriculum in either a one-on-one or small group discipleship format.

I’m going to give you my FULL blueprint for how to make disciples. I’ll lay out the entire process for you so that after you’ve completed Faith School, you’ll have a clear plan in place for how to take what you’ve learned in in this course and pass it on to someone else! The people you disciple will thank you later in this lifetime or maybe even in heaven one day for your eternal investment into their lives!

Week #8:

Flex Week

We will keep this as a FLEX week so that if ANY of the seven topics need a second week of deeper study, we will do just that.


Community & Cohort

We don’t want you to go on this faith journey alone…

We believe that discipleship is best in a group environment, you’ll have the opportunity to get to know other Christians in your cohort and interact with them inside of our private community on Facebook.

It’s inside of this Faith School community where you’ll join your 2024 cohort class and ask more questions, get encouragement, make friends and even acquire some true accountability!

You’ll get access to this amazing community.

You can expect Allen to be very active inside of the Facebook group responding to your questions and engaging with you in comments and more outside of the 90-minute bi-weekly coaching calls. As you join us, you get to experience this 90-day discipleship program alongside other like-minded believers in your cohort!

When You Enroll In Faith School Today...

You will get access to this exciting bonus resource intentionally created to provide you with quick answers to some of the most difficult apologetic questions you will face about the Christian faith.

Apologetics Bonus

Have you ever just needed a quick answer to some of the most challenging apologetics questions? This Apologetics 101 quick start guide will provide just that! We've hand selected some additional questions you need to be prepared to answer and provided quick answers to prepare you to defend your faith with confidence! No more feeling insecure or inadequate when asked about your faith. It is God's desire that you approach these conversations confident about what you believe and why you believe it!

You Can Join Me For 90 Days Of Discipleship Inside Of “Faith School"

For Only…



Who Will Be Teaching

& Mentoring Me?

I Will! My Name Is Allen Parr, The Founder Of Let’s Equip Ministries & The B.E.A.T. Where I’ve Equipped Hundreds Of Thousands Of Believers With The Tools & Training To Live The Christian Life.

I absolutely love what God has called me to do to help grow His Kingdom and how he’s allowed me to impact people around the globe.

Just so you know a little about me, I’ve been honored to be able to teach the Bible for over 25 years now. I’m a licensed and ordained minister who graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary with a Master of Theology degree.

I also started The BEAT on YouTube, and it’s grown far past anything I could have ever imagined when I started.

This online Bible teaching ministry now has over 1.2 Million subscribers worldwide and over 130 Million views.

Along with all that fun stuff, I’ve left the best for last. I’m so very grateful to be happily married to my beautiful wife and ministry partner Jennifer and also the proud father of our daughter Anaiah and son Micah.

I’m just a regular guy with a Bible hoping to bring as many people to come to know Christ and then understand His word to fully live out the Christian life!


I can’t afford this! Why should I have to pay?

We understand some people are in true financial straits and are literally unable to afford our program. However, we strongly encourage you to consider how valuable your faith is to you and where it ranks in terms of what you invest your money in. Between the course, curriculum, coaching and the community, we believe your investment will accelerate your faith far beyond you trying to do it on your own. We believe that those who make an investment into their faith are the ones who will take this program the most serious.

When will the live coaching sessions be?

See the schedule above for the exact dates and times. Because we know people are on different time zones and work schedules, we are offering an afternoon and evening time to accommodate.

What if I can’t make live coaching sessions?

All of our live coaching sessions are via Zoom and are recorded and will be available to you for one year inside of the Facebook group. You’ll have plenty of time to access the amazing coaching sessions we have planned.

How do I join the community?

Once you enroll in Faith School, you’ll receive an email with a link to join our private Facebook group. If you are not on Facebook, we strongly encourage you to create an alias account strictly for interaction inside of the group.

Can my wife and I join under one membership?

Yes, that's the great news! We believe "the two shall become one." So, when you join our Faith School program, your spouse gets THEIR OWN complimentary access to the curriculum, course, coaching, and community as well.

I’m new in my faith. Is this for me?

Absolutely it is! We like to think of this program as being ideal for ANY Christian who wants to grow beyond where they are and see explosive growth in a relatively short period of time.

Can't I learn most of this online by myself?

You can try to sift through a plethora of videos, but this program packages everything you need all in one place along with the support and guidance of a mentor. We believe that the four C's mentioned above are the critical steps for you to experience explosive growth in your spiritual life.

Are You Ready To Invest In Your Spiritual Journey, Get Discipled Personally By Me Alongside MANY other Christians, And FINALLY Grow In Your Relationship With God?

If so, I’m ready to go on that journey with you!

And if you’re still hesitant and thinking…

“But…why should I have to pay for this?”

“Can’t I learn it on my own?”

You can certainly try.

You can sift through a ton of videos and books that may teach you a thing or two about getting started with growing in your faith…but what happens after that? You’re still left alone trying to figure this out all by yourself.

I promise you, it’s so much easier and much more enjoyable when you have practical, step-by-step trainings and a coach who is ready to guide you along the way.

I’m more than ready to personally disciple you, and I’m totally committed to helping you experience the same joy I did when someone took me aside and discipled me to help strengthen the foundations of my faith in Christ.

And let’s be real for a second…

I’m sure you’ve invested in many things far less important than your own spiritual life.

It’s time to invest where it matters most – your relationship with God.

Instead of thinking of the price, pray and ask God if this is something He wants you to invest in at this time and then trust Him to provide for you.

With 8 weeks of LIVE coaching with me, an engaged online community, a FULL proven curriculum and course you can use for a lifetime not only for yourself, but also to disciple others, you will be well-equipped with a simple yet strategic plan to accelerate your faith and grow in your relationship with God!

It would be my sincere honor if you would allow me to hold your hand every step of the way and personally disciple you alongside many of other believers who are hungry to grow in their faith.

Are you ready to start learning strategies that will help you discover your God-given purpose so that you can experience tremendous spiritual growth in your life?

Click the link below to reserve your spot in the 90-Day LIVE Discipleship program (spots are limited) AND get instant access to the Faith School Community so you can hit the ground running and allow me to coach you as we go on this journey together!

We understand you may be a bit unsure at this point. It's natural. I encourage you to consider what some of our current and past students have to say about this program.

I was thoroughly satisfied with Allen Parr's coaching program. All the material was organized in a clear and logical fashion. Allen does a phenomenal job of providing assistance and direction. Stop wasting your time struggling on your own and connect with a knowledgable instructor who can definitely assist you on your spiritual journey.

Sam Alston

Allen's teaching method was truly beneficial for me. He was easy to follow and very thorough, and his ability to clearly demonstrate and reiterate the objectives of individual lessons was a bonus for me. A year later, I'm still using the notes and materials from the coaching program!

Regina Gripp

Allen Parr's coaching program was exactly what I needed to ramp up my spiritual journey. The program was delivered in the same way as his YouTube videos, and it was also very personal. I am closer to Jesus because of it.

Pam Pitisci

Participating in Allen's 90-Day Coaching Program is by far one of the best investments I've made. His teaching is easily understood, and he gives examples of how to apply it to everyday life.

Linda Lockhart

In each coaching session Allen took time to listen to and answer our questions, help with any confusion we were experiencing and make sure we understood the most important part - practical application. It was the most satisfying, life-changing course I've ever taken.

Karen Mallinger

The quality of Allen Parr's 90-day coaching program was a game changer for me in helping my clients in their faith journey and battling the setbacks of life in their marriages and families. He has a natural way of equipping others.

Lisa Teichmiller

You Can Join Me For 90 Days Of Discipleship Inside Of “Faith School”

For Only…

